
Kiddushin, Daf Mem Heh, Part 4



The Talmud continues with another story of betrothal. While it is hard to tell if these stories are accurate descriptions of kiddushin, they certainly are interesting tales.


ההוא גברא דקדיש בכישא דירקא בשוקא

אמר רבינא אפילו למאן דאמר חוששין שמא נתרצה האב הני מילי דרך כבוד אבל דרך בזיון לא


A certain man betrothed [a minor] with a bunch of vegetables in the market place.

Ravina said. Even according to the one who says we are concerned lest her father consented, that is only [when it is done] in an honorable manner, but when it is done in a disgraceful manner, no.


In this case we can assume that the father would not have consented to the kiddushin because it was done in such a disgraceful manner.


א"ל רב אחא מדיפתי לרבינא בזיון דמאי אי בזיון דירקא אי בזיון דשוקא נפקא מינה דקדיש בכספא בשוקא או בכישא דירקא בביתא מאי

א"ל אידי ואידי דרך בזיון הוא


R. Aha of Difti asked Rabina: What aspect was disgraceful? Was it the disgrace that it was done with vegetables, or [the fact that it was done in] a market-place?

The practical difference arises if he betroths her with money in the market place, or with a bunch of vegetables at home.

What then? He said to him: Both are disgraceful.


Both aspects of this betrothal are disgraceful. The fact that it was done with vegetables and the fact that it was done in the shuk.