Dr. Stephen Daniel Arnoff
Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Stephen Daniel Arnoff is the CEO of the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center and has served in senior leadership roles at the 92nd Street Y, the 14th Street Y, Shalem College, and the JCC Association. Holding a doctorate in Midrash and Scriptural Interpretation from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America as a Wexner Graduate Fellow, Stephen teaches and lectures at synagogues, conferences, community centers, universities, and private and corporate convenings around the world, specializing in the nexus of religion, spirituality, identity, and culture. (READ MORE)

Joshua Halickman
Chief Financial Officer
Josh earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business and specialized in non-profit accounting in New York. He served as the Chief Financial Officer at a neighborhood house in NYC prior to moving to Israel in 2004. Josh held the dual role of CEO and CFO at a large tourism company in Jerusalem and in 2015, Josh who is also known as The Sports Rabbi, founded The Maccabi Tel Aviv Football Club Foundation, the first of its kind in Israel, where he served as its Director. Together with his wife, Sharona, Josh co-founded a non-profit organization, Torat Reva Yerushalayim.

Hila Lipnick
Chief Operations Officer
Hila joins our team after serving as the Training and Development Counselor at the Israel Civil Service Cadet Program, a unique initiative within the government sphere aimed at training an elite cadre of public service personnel. In her position, Hila oversaw the cadets’ personal and professional development, facilitated group learning and activities, and aimed to maximize human resources. Previously, Hila worked at the Milken Institute, was the Associate Director of PresenTense, and served as the Director of TELEM in Boston. Hila holds MA degrees in Organizational Sociology from Ben Gurion University of the Negev and in Jewish Folklore from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Rabbi Joel Levy
Rosh Yeshiva
Rabbi Levy is the Rosh Yeshiva of the Conservative Yeshiva where he teaches Talmud, Halakha, Tanakh, liturgy and Jewish thought. He was ordained by Rabbi David Hartman z”l in 2000. Rabbi Levy is a past chair of the Program at Limmud conference, was director of the NOAM youth movement in the UK and their rabbi for many years, is active in the global Masorti Movement, and has been the rabbi of Kol Nefesh Masorti Synagogue, Britain’s first fully egalitarian traditional shul, since 2001.He is particularly interested in exploring which aligned modes of religious study and discipline enhance the practitioner’s core humanistic sensitivities and which fail to do so.

Rabbi Joshua Kulp
Senior Scholar
Rabbi Dr. Joshua Kulp has taught Talmud and halakhah at the CY for the last 25 years. He is the co-author of three books, The Schechter Haggadah, and Reconstructing the Talmud, volumes 1 and 2. He is also the author of the English commentary on the Mishnah found on Sefaria and has to date composed a commentary on six tractates of the Talmud. He has a PhD from Bar-Ilan University and rabbinic semichah from Hadar. A long time Ramahnik, he has worked at Camp Ramah in New England for the last twenty years. He lives in Modiin with his wife Julie and four kids. A three-time Ironman, during his free time he still can usually be found running or biking, or drinking cold beer in his backyard.

Ilana Kurshan
CY Faculty
Ilana Kurshan teaches Talmud at the CY. She is the author of If All the Seas Were Ink (St. Martin’s Press, 2017) and Why is This Night Different From All Other Nights (Schocken, 2005). She has a degree in History of Science from Harvard and in English literature from Cambridge, and has worked in literary publishing both in New York and in Jerusalem – as a translator, a foreign rights agent, and as the Books Editor of Lilith Magazine. Since October 2020, Ilana has been a regular contributor to Torah Sparks, FJC’s weekly parashat hashavuah blog.

Dr. Shaiya Rothberg
CY Faculty
Shaiya Rothberg is a teacher and human rights activist in Jerusalem Al-Quds. He holds a PhD from Hebrew University in Jewish Thought and a B.A. in Jewish Philosophy and Talmud from Bar-Ilan University. He made aliyah in 1988 and served as a soldier and officer in the I.D.F. Shaiya's teaching, writing and activism focus on the transformative potential of Jewish tradition.

Lexie Botzum
CY Faculty
Lexie grew up in Pennsylvania and earned her B.A. in International Studies and Political Science from Johns Hopkins University. She’s been living in Jerusalem since 2019 and has studied torah at Hadar, CY, and the Pardes kollel. Lexie learns and teaches in the smicha shiur at Yashrut, and teaches for Yashrut’s gemara program. This year she’ll be teaching Intro Halakha at the CY.. In addition to torah learning, Lexie is deeply involved in anti-occupation activism.

Rabbi Dr. Eliora Peretz
CY Faculty & Mashgicha Ruchanit
Dr. Rav Eliora Peretz received an orthodox smicha (Yoreh Yoreh) from Prof. Rav Daniel Sperber ( Israel Prize for Jewish studies) and Rav Herzl Hefter at Beit Midrash Harel as well as a Ph.D. in Journalism at the Sorbonne University in Paris. She is the Director of French programming at FJC and the Mashgiha Ruhanit at the CY. She is an associate lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and part of a Research Think Tank at the Van Leer Institute on Partnership Peace. Her research on the role of media during Transitional Justice processes and peace negotiations has been published in various top ranked peer review academic journals.

Meira Stern-Glick
Ulpan Faculty
Meira has many years of experience teaching Hebrew as a second language, having taught both in Ulpanim and Hebrew classes at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and also in online teaching. Meira received her Bachelor’s degree summa cum laude from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in Arabic language and literature, and completed her M.A. in Hebrew Language at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She also holds teaching certificates for primary and high school instruction. Meira has been working at Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center since September 2004.

Michal Ashkenazi
Ulpan Faculty
I am a Hebrew teacher with 30 years of teaching experience. I taught at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and in various organizations. For 17 years I have also been teaching at the Conservative Yeshiva and I am happy to meet people from all over the world. I teach on zoom and face-to-face. I teach at all levels. I'll be happy to meet you, So lets meet! Lehitraot 🙂

Ouzi Rotem
Ulpan Faculty
Ouzi is a teacher of modern Hebrew as well as biblical Hebrew and biblical Aramean. His love for languages and cultures led him to complete his bachelor's degree at the program of Chinese Studies and Indian Studies in the Hebrew University and then his M.A. degree of East Asian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. He also has an M.A. degree of Hebrew Language from Tel Aviv University. His teaching experience includes, among other programs, Rothberg International School at the Hebrew University, Tel Aviv University, the University of Pennsylvania and diverse online programs. At Fuchsberg Jerusalem center he has been teaching since summer 2005.

Bex Stern-Rosenblatt
North American Faculty in Residence
Bex Stern Rosenblatt is the North American Faculty-in-Residence for the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center, where she teaches Hebrew Bible. Join her Zoom classes online, invite her to teach at your synagogue or university, and read her writing on the parashah in Torah Sparks. Bex has taught rabbis and rabbinical students from Hebrew College, JTS, RRC, Ziegler, and Geiger. She has studied at Williams College, Bar Ilan University, University of Regensburg, The Conservative Yeshiva, and Bina Jerusalem, and received a Fulbright to teach in Austria. Her writing on biblical narrative and biblical poetry can be found in Mosaic Magazine.

Terry Hendin, MSW
Volunteer Coordinator
Terry Hendin, community worker, administrator, student services coordinator and volunteer coordinator and “Friend” for Indiana University students at Hebrew University of Jerusalem for 25 years. Focusing on customized volunteer placements for visitors and one-time volunteer study opportunities for small groups interested in social issues in Israeli society through hands on projects, of just a few hours to a full day, she creates meaningful placements and programs in local Jerusalem non-profit, educational or cultural institutions. She holds a B.A. in Near East Language and Literature, Indiana University, an M.S.W. from the George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University.

Sophie Bigot-Goldblum
Sophie Bigot-Goldblum is the director of Jewish Engagement at BBYO Europe and Talmud Faculty for Ze Kollel, a pan-European Talmud programme. She earned a Law degree from Strasbourg University and an MA from the EHESS in Jewish Philosophy, during which she obtained the Research Prize in Jewish Studies of The Benveniste Center (CRNS). Sophie holds a MA degree, magna cum Laude, from Hebrew University in Jewish Studies. She has studied at Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies, Pardes and the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem and Yeshivat Hadar in New York.

Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein
CY Faculty
Daniel teaches Hasidut at the Conservative Yeshiva. He grew up in London and graduated from the universities of Cambridge (BA) and Warwick (MA). He studied at Yeshivat Ein Tzurim, Maale Gilboa and Shvilei HaTorah and received rabbinic ordination from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School. As an artist-educator, he has performed and facilitated across the world and his songs have garnered tens of thousands of plays online. He is an accredited meditation teacher and teaches widely on meditation, spirituality, prayer and Hasidut. Daniel is the founder and director of appliedjewishspirituality.org, an online platform for the exploration of Jewish spirituality.

Chasan Jalda Rebling
Chazan Jalda Rebling is director of studies for EAJL European Academy for Jewish Liturgy in London. www.eajl.org, member of the Cantors Assembly and spiritual leader of the first Jewish Renewal Community in Germany - Ohel HaChidusch, founded in 2007. She is member of the Kol Nefesh Masorti Synagogue in London. She is a board member of the Ohalah rabbis and cantors association. Since 1978 she dedicates her life to Jewish Music from the early middle ages to modern times. She toured around the world with different musical ensembles. She gained her s´micha as Chazan in 2007 from ALEPH. Since 2010 she teaches Nussach HaT´filla for the CY and for EAJL.

Vered Hollander-Goldfarb
Vered Hollander-Goldfarb loves teaching Tanakh and learning from her students and teachers! She has been teaching Tanakh and Medieval Commentators at the Conservative Yeshiva and is the Tanakh coordinator for the Hartman High School for Girls. Before making Aliya, she taught at Stern College and the Ramaz School, and was a regular contributor to the weekly Torah Sparks. She has an M.A. in Judaic Studies and Tanach from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University, studied at Bar-Ilan University and JTS, and keeps learning.

Rabbi Eliana Sherangelo
Eliana Sherangelo (she/her) is a compassionate and skilled teacher and community organizer. She is passionate about creating space for new voices in the beit midrash. A SVARA Teaching Fellow, she believes that everyone can access the magic of Torah in its original language, no matter their level of experience. Eliana loves grammar, midrashic logic and juicy metaphors. She also serves as the Director of Resource Development at the Hotline for Refugees and Migrants in Israel. Eliana received ordination from the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies. She lives in Jerusalem with her spouse Yoni, daughter Kedem, and their basset hound Genendl the Friendl.

Peta Jones Pellach
Peta Jones Pellach has been on the faculty of Oded for over a decade, since making Aliyah from Australia. There, she had a long career in education at all levels, as Director of Jewish Studies in a Jewish high school, teaching in the Florence Melton Adult Education Program, lecturing at Sydney University and as a co-founder of Limmud-Oz. She is currently Senior Fellow of the Kiverstein Institute, Director of Educational Activities for the Elijah Interfaith Institute, a co-founder of Praying Together in Jerusalem, a blogger and an activist.

Alieza Salzberg-Yizhar
Alieza Salzberg-Yizhar is a Jewish Educator, specializing in Rabbinic Literature, Gender and Judaism, and the relationship between law and narrative. She holds an MA in Midrash and Aggadah from Hebrew University and is currently a doctoral student at Bar Ilan University, where she is researching the role of gender in the Talmudic discourse on war. She has studied at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, Drisha, and Matan’s Intensive Talmud Institute. She is currently a member of the Kollel at Yeshivat Maharat. Alieza also holds an MA in Creative Writing from City College, New York.

Rabbi Shuki Zehavi
Synagogue Rabbi and Program Director
Rabbi Shuki Zehavi is a passionate leader and educator. After studying Philosophy and Human Rights at Columbia University and Law at Hebrew University, he went on to graduate from the pluralist rabbinical school at Hebrew College and serve at Conservative pulpits in Massachusetts and New York. He also taught and developed curricula for creative community education programs. At FJC, Rabbi Shuki leads the synagogue community and teaches prayer in the Yeshiva. He also designs and implements educational tours in Israel for North American day schools and communities. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife and two sons, with whom he shares a love of music, learning, and the outdoors.

Meir Berman
Zamru Coordinator
Meir grew up in a kibbutz and has been steeped in music and singing since childhood. He is a leader in multiple Jerusalem prayer communities and an intuitive seeker and innovator in the worlds of prayer. He is a core musical prayer leader at Nava Tehila, an innovative Renewal prayer community and a leader at Hakhel community. Meir is also a dancer, a singer, and a producer of Jewish culture events. Meir brings over 20 years of business experience in the hi-tech sector and holds a BA in communication and an MBA from Bradford University. Meir is a social activist promoting shared society in Israel, enjoys running and Yoga and placing outdoor pianos on the streets around the world.

Dov Wieder
Musical Director
Dov has lead, produced and hosted musical, prayer, and spiritual events in Jerusalem since 2016. Dov studied music at the Mizmor Music School, plays guitar, piano and percussion, composes, and sings. In the last year he joined our prayer team as the musical director and leads the house band that plays at song circles, events and holidays.

Rabbi Marc Kaye
Leffell School Program Director
Rabbi Marc Kaye is the director of the Leffell School programs in Israel. Marc is a passionate and experienced Jewish educator who works with young people from communities worldwide. Marc loves to offer opportunities for meaningful conversations about Jewish values and identity, Zionism and personal growth. He has a BA in Languages and an MA in Education and Psychology from the University of London. Marc received Semicha from Rabbi Riskin of Ohr Torah Stone and previously served as Campus Rabbi for the Aardvark Israel gap year program where he created an innovative pluralist Jewish Identity track. Originally from Manchester, England, Marc lives in Jerusalem with his wife and four children.

Rob Kahn
Field Manager, Golda Och Academy Israel Programs
Rob grew up in Portland, Oregon spending his summers at Camp Solomon Schechter. After earning his degree from Brandeis University, Rabbi Kahn went to rabbinical school at the Jewish Theological Seminary and then served for sixteen years as a congregational rabbi at Beth El Synagogue in Minneapolis. In 2008, Rob made Aliyah with his family. Rob held the position of Education Director at YJ Year Course for several years and is currently a freelance tour guide and facilitator and guide for Golda Och Academy’s programs in Israel, Neshama and Naale . Rob is married to Camille, proud father of Avinoam, Dalya, and Elle. He loves mountain biking, hevruta learning, and experiencing new things.

Eliya Am Shalom
Office Manager
Eliya grew up in London, since making aliyah she has been exploring and integrating into Israeli culture and history through cuisine and fine art. She is committed to supporting staff and students in their needs and helping to run the day-to-day operations of the yeshiva and in its mission of providing a high-quality education to all students.

Miriam Yifrach
CY and Communications Coordinator
Miriam Yifrach is an impassioned pursuer of clear communication and organization. She has been serving as student liaison for the Conservative Yeshiva since 2021 and manages the Center’s communications, marketing, and website. After spending part of her childhood in Israel, she went on to earn an MA in Linguistics from Boston University, then moved to Jerusalem in 2020. Though she enjoys all aspects of her role at FJC, she feels that by far the best part is working with the CY students year-round.

Grisha Kaplan
Grisha Kaplan has been responsible for FJC operations since 1994. A technician by trade, Grisha brings expertise from large industries as well as the private sector and works tirelessly to ensure that the Center runs smoothly and efficiently every day.