Avodah Zarah, Daf Ayin Vav, Part 5 Introduction Today s sugya explains how one kashers by making white hot and how one kashers by boiling. ועד כמה מלבנן? א"ר...
Avodah Zarah, Daf Ayin Vav, Part 4 Introduction The Talmud continues to try to resolve why one mishnah requires kashering by making something white hot, while the other mishnah suffices with scalding. רב פפא...
Avodah Zarah, Daf Ayin Vav, Part 3 Introduction Today s sugya continues to try to resolve the contradiction between the mishnah that required making Gentile vessels white hot in order to kasher them and the mishnah that said that vessels used with sacrifices...
Avodah Zarah, Daf Ayin Vav, Part 2 Introduction In yesterday s sugya R. Sheshet explained that vessels belonging to a Gentile must be kashered by heating them up until they are white hot. But since Temple vessels had absorbed permitted substances, they need be...