Kiddushin Daf Nun Zayin, Part 3



Today s sugya returns to discuss the prohibition of the leper s sacrificed bird and the permission to eat the leper s sent away bird.


גופא כל צפור טהורה תאכלו לרבות את המשולחת וזה אשר לא תאכלו מהם לרבות את השחוטה

ואיפוך אנא אמר רבי יוחנן משום ר"ש בן יוחי לא מצינו בעלי חיים שאסורים


The text [above stated]: Of all clean birds you may eat : this includes the bird that is set free.

But these are those which you may not eat : this includes the slaughtered bird.

But why shouldn t I reverse it?

R. Yohanan said in the name of R. Shimon b. Yohai: We do not find live animals [permanently] forbidden.


The midrash teaches that the bird that is set free may be eaten but the slaughtered animal may not be. But why not teach the opposite the bird that is set free would be prohibited and the slaughtered one permitted.

R. Yohanan posits a general rule live animals cannot be permanently prohibited.


מתקיף לה רב שמואל בר רב יצחק ולא הרי מוקצה ונעבד דבעלי חיים נינהו ואסירי

כי אסירי לגבוה להדיוט מישרא שרי


R. Shmuel son of R. Yitzchak raised a difficulty: Are they not? But what about an animal set aside [to be an offering to an idol] and a worshipped animal, which though living creatures, are yet forbidden?

They are forbidden only for the Most High, but they are permitted for ordinary use.


Animals set aside to be idols or actually worshipped as idols are only prohibited for sacrificial use. Therefore, they follow R. Yohanan s general principle.


מתקיף לה רבי ירמיה הרי רובע ונרבע בעדים דבעלי חיים נינהו ואסירי

אלא אמר רבי יוחנן משום רבי שמעון בן יוחי לא מצינו רוב בעלי חיים שאסורים


R. Yirmiyah raised a difficulty: But animals, active or passive participants in bestiality attested by witnesses, are living creatures and are yet forbidden?

Rather R. Yohanan said we do not find it typical that live animals are [permanently] forbidden.


Animals that participated in bestiality must be destroyed. Human beings cannot derive benefit from them. This, R. Yohanan admits, is an exception to the rule. Still, most animals are not prohibited while they are alive and that is why the midrash rules that the live bird is permitted and the sacrificed bird is prohibited.