
Kiddushin, Daf Nun Heh, Part 6



The assumption was that female sacrifices are peace-offerings. But they too could be other types of offerings.


אמר מר נקבות זבחי שלמים דילמא תודה היא דמייתי תודה והא בעינן לחם דמייתי נמי לחם


The Master said: Females a peace-offerings.

But maybe it is a thanksgiving-offering?

He also brings a thanksgiving-offering.

But they require loaves?

He also brings loaves.


The Talmud adds another possibility the animal might be a thanksgiving offering, so he has to bring one of those too. And the loaves that go with it. The altar is really making out here!

ודילמא חטאת היא חטאת בת שנתה ואישתכח בת שתי שנים ודילמא חטאת שעברה שנתה לא שכיח


But perhaps it is a sin-offering?

A sin-offering is a yearling, whereas a two year old was found.

Yet perhaps it is a sin-offering which has passed its year?

That is rare.


If a two year old is found it is not a sin offering and we do not assume it is a sin offering whose time passed.

אשתכח בת שנתה מאי תניא חנניא בן חכינאי אומר עז בת שנתה לחטאת לחטאת סלקא דעתך

אלא אמר אביי כחטאת כונסה לכיפה והיא מתה מאליה


Then what if a yearling is found?

It was taught: Hanina b. Hakinai said: A yearling she-goat is [sacrificed] as a sin-offering.
As a sin-offering do you really think so!

Rather Abaye said: It is [treated] as a sin-offering: it is led into a pen and it dies on its own.


If a female yearling is found then we have to treat it as if it is a sin-offering. There is nothing that can be done to redeem this sin-offering. It can t be sacrificed because it might not have been a sin-offering. And one cannot redeem it and use the money to bring another sin-offering because one cannot bring a voluntary sin-offering. The only thing that can be done is simply put it in a pen and starve it until it dies. I know, this is not a nice halakhah.