Kiddushin, Daf Mem Tet, Part 4
The aggadic discussion that follows seems to be here due to its reference to some of the same attributes as we learned about yesterday. Other than, your guess is as good as mine as to what it s doing here. It has nothing to do with kiddushin.
עשרה קבים חכמה ירדו לעולם תשעה נטלה ארץ ישראל ואחד כל העולם כולו
עשרה קבים יופי ירדו לעולם תשעה נטלה ירושלים ואחד כל העולם כולו
עשרה קבים עשירות ירדו לעולם תשעה נטלו רומיים קדמונים ואחד כל העולם כולו
י’ קבים עניות ירדו לעולם תשעה נטלה בבל ואחד כל העולם כולו
עשרה קבים גסות ירדו לעולם תשעה נטלה עילם ואחד כל העולם כולו
Ten kavs of wisdom descended to the world: nine were taken by Eretz Yisrael and one by the rest of the world.
Ten kavs of beauty descended to the world: nine were taken by Jerusalem and one by the rest of the world.
Ten kavs of wealth descended to the world: nine were taken by the early Romans and one by the rest of the world.
Ten kavs of poverty descended to the world: nine were taken by Babylon and one by the rest of the world.
Ten kavs of arrogance descended to the world: nine were taken by Elam and one by the rest of the world.
וגסות לבבל לא נחית והכתי’ (זכריה ה, ט) ואשא עיני וארא והנה שתים נשים יוצאות ורוח בכנפיהם ולהנה כנפים ככנפי החסידה ותשאנה את האיפה בין הארץ ובין השמים ואומר אל המלאך הדובר בי אנה המה מוליכות את האיפה ויאמר אלי לבנות לה בית בארץ שנער וא"ר יוחנן זו חנופה וגסות הרוח שירדו לבבל
אין להכא נחית ואשתרבובי הוא דאשתרבובי להתם
דיקא נמי דקתני לבנות לה בית ש"מ
But arrogance did not descend to Babylonia! But isn t it written: Then I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold there came forth two women, and the wind was in their wings, for they had wings like the wings of a stork. And they lifted up the measure between the earth and the heaven. Then I said to the angel that spoke with me: To where do they take the measure? And he said to me: To build her a house in the land of Shinar (Zechariah 5:9 11). And Rabbi Yoḥanan says: This refers to flattery and arrogance that descended to Babylonia.
Yes, it did come down there [in Babylonia] but made its way there [to Elam].
This also can deduced for it says, to build her a house : this proves it.
In one of my favorite personifications, we learn that arrogance descended to Babylonia, and from there made its way to Elam. [I can just picture a green little demon making its way across the desert]. The intent was to build a house, but the house was not built there in Babylonia, rather it was built in Elam, a neighboring region.
איני והאמר מר סימן לגסות עניות ועניות בבבל הוא דאיכא
מאי עניות עניות דתורה דכתיב (שיר השירים ח, ח) אחות לנו קטנה ושדים אין לה
וא"ר יוחנן זו עילם שזכתה ללמוד ולא זכתה ללמד
But is that so, for has not a Master said: A sign of arrogance is poverty, and poverty is found in Babylonia!
What does poverty mean? Poverty of Torah, as it is written, We have a little sister, and she has no breasts, (Song of Songs 8:8). And R. Yohanan said about this: This refers to Elam, which was privileged to study but not to teach.
Arrogance accompanies poverty, but not poverty of material. Rather, it accompanies spiritual poverty, the lack of Torah. Elam which has material wealth lacks Torah and thus it, not Babylonia where Torah is abundant, is characterized by arrogance.