
Kiddushin, Daf Kaf Daled, Part 6



Some amoraic laws concerning putting out the slave s eye.


א"ר ששת הרי שהיתה עינו סמויה וחטטה עבד יוצא בהן לחירות

מ"ט מחוסר אבר הוא


R. Sheshet said: If he has a blind eye and he [the master] removes it, the slave is freed on its account.

What is the reason? He now lacks a limb.


According to R. Sheshet, even if the eye is already blind, if the master removes it, the slave goes free.


ותנא תונא תמות וזכרות בבהמה ואין תמות וזכרות בעופות יכול יבשה גפה נקטעה רגלה נחטטה עינה ת"ל מן העוף ולא כל העוף


And a Tanna taught this: Unblemished and male sex are required in animals but not in birds. I might think, [even] if its wing is withered, its foot cut off, or its eye plucked out [the bird is still fit]: Scripture says: And if [the burnt offering be . . .] from birds (Leviticus 1:14), but not all birds.


A baraita supports R. Sheshet. According to this baraita, while bird sacrifices need not be fully unblemished (as do animals) they cannot have their eyes plucked out. This supports the idea that if the slave s eye is plucked out, it is a serious enough offense that he goes free, even if he could not see before.


א"ר חייא בר אשי אמר רב היתה לו יתרת וחתכה עבד יוצא בהן לחירות

אמר רב הונא והוא שנספרת על גב היד:


R. Hiyya b. Ashi said in the name of Rav: If he had an additional finger and he [his master] cut if off, the slave goes out free.

R. Huna said: Provided that it is counted as part of his hand.


If the master cuts off the slave s extra finger, the slave still goes free, as long as it is on his hand. If it is protruding from elsewhere, it does not count as a finger.