
Kiddushin, Daf Ayin Vav, Part 6


רבי יוסי אומר אף מי שהיה וכו’ מאי טעמא דייקי ומחתמי


Rabbi Yose says: even one who was [signed as a witness in the old court of Tzippori].

What is the reason? They [first] investigated, and then allowed them to sign.


In the old court of Tzippori they would examine the lineage of witnesses before they allowed them to sign documents.


רבי חנינא בן אנטיגנוס וכו’ אמר רב יהודה אמר שמואל בחיילות של בית דוד אמר רב יוסף מאי קרא (דברי הימים א ז, מ) והתיחשם בצבא במלחמה וטעמא מאי אמר רב יהודה אמר רב כדי שתהא זכותן וזכות אבותם מסייעתן


Rabbi Hanina ben Antigonus says: [even one who was recorded in the king s list of officers]. Rav Judah said in the name of Shmuel: [This refers to the officers] in the armies of the House of David.

R. Joseph said: What verse teaches this? Reckoned by lineage for service in war (I Chronicles 7:40). And what is the reason? R. Judah said in the name of Rav: In order that their own merit and the merit of their fathers might aid them.


According to Shmuel, the mishnah refers to the officers in King David s army. These soldiers needed to have good lineage for such lineage would protect them in time of war.


והאיכא (שמואל ב כג, לז) צלק העמוני מאי לאו דאתי מעמון לא דיתיב בעמון והאיכא (שמואל ב כג, לט) אוריה החתי מאי לאו דאתי מחת לא דיתיב בחת והאיכא (שמואל ב טו, יט) אתי הגיתי וכי תימא הכי נמי דיתיב בגת והא אמר רב נחמן אתי הגיתי בא ובטלה

ועוד אמר רב יהודה אמר רב ארבע מאות ילדים היו לו לדוד וכולם בני יפת תואר היו וכולם מסתפרים קומי ומגדלים בלורית היו וכולם יושבים בקרוניות של זהב והיו מהלכים בראשי גייסות והן הן בעלי אגרופים של בית דוד דאזלי לבעותי עלמא


But was there not Tzelek the Ammonite (II Samuel 23:37)! Does this not mean that he was descended from Ammon?

No: that he dwelt in Ammon.

But there was Uriah the Hittite; does this not mean that he was descended from Het?

No: that he dwelt among the Hittites.

But there was Ittai the Gittite. And should you say, here too it means that he dwelt in Gath, but did not R. Nahman say: Ittai the Gittite came and nullified it [an idol].

Moreover, Rav Judah said in the name of Rav, David had four hundred children, all were the children of beautiful women and they all cut the hair in the front of their heads and let it grow long in the back; and all sat in golden chariots and went at the head of armies, and they were the strong men of the House of David!

They merely went to frighten [the opposing armies].


When one actually reads the Tanakh, one can easily see that there were non-Israelites serving in David s army. Indeed, there were many prominent soldiers who came from other nations. David might even be said to be known for relying on mercenaries. Furthermore, he had hundreds of children with women he took captive. The Genghis Khan of his generation.

The Talmud resolves the difficulty by saying that these soldiers were only there to frighten the enemy. They did not actually fight.