
Come Explore the Jewish Call to Care for our World

What is our reponsibility to the planet on which we all live? Through classes, trips, and other educational experiences, this year-long series will ask each one of us to consider:  

  • What does Jewish tradition say about our responsibility to the planet?
  • Where is halacha both supportive and at odds with eco-best practices?
  • What lessons can be learned from the response in Israel? 
  • Whether just curious or committed climate activists, how can Judaism guide our efforts?

Lead by CY Faculty, R Jonathan Wittenberg OBE and guest experts will explore our Jewish environmental responsibilities through the lens of four relationships:

Self (Adaptation & Sustainability) | Other Humans (Loss & Damage) | Nature (Biodiversity) | God (Faith Contribution).

Sundays 1pm EST | 18:00 GMT | 20:00 IST
Online | Register for the Online Series (FREE)

CY Faculty will guide visits local ecological initiatives to understand how Israel and Israelis approach conservation and climate change issues, and how we might apply those lessons in our own lives.

8 Monthly Day Trips
Jerusalem | Registration Opens Soon

R. Mathew Anisfeld takes us on a deep dive into the sources for Shmitta so we can better understand the practical and spiritual aspirations of the Sabbatical year as a motif for our Jewish responsibility to Earth and G-d.

Mondays 3:15 – 5:15
Conservative Yeshiva | Part-Time Enrollment

FJC welcomes R. Jonathan Wittenberg OBE, leading thinker on Judaism and the environment, for an intensive on-site examination of Eco Judaism in action — in the Jewish world and in Israel. Events to include: Shabbaton, themed learning days and hands-on visits.

February 25–March 7, 2024

Tending the Garden: Online Course