
Our Students

The Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center (FJC) provides opportunities for Jewish engagement and learning through its flagship institution, the Conservative Yeshiva (CY).

Students at the CY come from all over the world including the United States, England, Canada, Australia, South Africa, France, Germany, Hungary, Uganda, and the Czech Republic. Matriculating college students and recent graduates, doctors, lawyers, journalists, teachers and more learn together at the Conservative Yeshiva, building community through a shared desire to study Torah in Jerusalem.

The CY’s community is diverse and multi-faceted and includes:

  • Individuals from Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, Reconstructing Judaism and unaffiliated backgrounds
  • Those who grew up Jewishly engaged or who are interested in deepening their knowledge and identity.
  • Recent converts, or those contemplating a Jewish lifestyle
  • Non-Jewish individuals who are interested in Hebrew and Jewish text.

Rabbinical students from across the US and Europe study at the CY during their year in Jerusalem. These include students from:

    Ecole Rabbinique de Paris
    Zacharias Frankel College
    Abraham Geiger Kolleg
    Hebrew College
    Jewish Theological Seminary
    Leo Baeck Institute
    Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
    Schechter Institute
    Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies

    See What Our Students Have To Say


    The CY has impacted me in several ways. The yeshiva is like immersion in a mikva: not all results are immediately apparent. However, I have found new connections to Jewish practice and have learned new ways to look at the mishna, PLUS – my Hebrew is much better! There have been so many highlights of this program. One was the Ezrat Yisrael services at the Egal part of the Western Wall has been a highlight. If you want to learn/improve your Hebrew- COME! If you enjoy Torah study – COME! If you want to connect more deeply with your Judaism – COME!

    Maribeth Lipscomb, USA
    Summer Program

    My textual knowledge increased so much. It was wonderful studying with other Jews from around the world and hearing different perspectives.

    Alexander Wolf
    Kayitz Babayit

    An outstanding opportunity for retired Rabbis such as myself, to study Torah on a high level with an outstanding scholar and share with fellow Rabbis.

    Rabbi Mel Sirner, USA
    Continuing Education Shechita Class for Retired Rabbis

    The CY is an absolutely non-judgmental environment. They take you as you are – both students and faculty. The faculty is open so that every student can learn differently and is able to study in a way that is meaningful for them.

    Milan, Germany
    Geiger student of Chazanut

    There is an amazing atmosphere of study in the Beit Midrash. Even outside of class hours something is always happening, someone is always learning. The Conservative Yeshiva is a place where there is always someone to consult with when you don’t understand a text and where people ask questions that I would never have thought of. It’s amazing to be in a class where each person brings their unique understanding and fresh perspective to the table.

    Isabel Bard, UK
    Lishma Fellowship Recipient