Pre-Register for Project Oded

Project Oded is an ongoing program that runs 2-3 sessions per year, providing Jewish educational opportunities on various topics to students of all ages all over the world.

Each class meets over four 1-hour sessions. Recordings are available to registered students.

Sign up for one to four classes – The more you learn, the less you pay!
One course: $36
Two courses: $60
Three courses: $85
Four courses: $100

Spring 2024 Oded Courses (last session)

Small Talk on the Oral Law

Small Talk on the Oral Law

Dr. Chanan Gafni

What is the origin of the Oral Law? When did it cease to be primarily oral? And why was there a need for an Oral Law to begin with? These are questions that were discussed for many centuries, but they received special attention in modern Jewish thought where they had great impact on the shaping of modern Jewish Identity and on the formation of competing religious camps. This mini-series will study the range of modern responses to these and other questions about the nature of the Oral Law.

Midrash and Metaphor: From Parsha to Purim Through a Literary Lens

Midrash and Metaphor: From Parsha to Purim Through a Literary Lens

Ilana Kurshan

In this four-part series we will study texts pertaining the weekly Torah portion and the holiday cycle. Drawing on midrashic, Talmudic, and literary sources, we will explore the themes of fidelity, trust, forgetfulness, and humility, while also thinking about what it means to live our lives against the backdrop of the very same texts read, that week, by Jews the world over.

The Enactments of Yehoshua: How Do We Live Collectively?

The Enactments of Yehoshua: How Do We Live Collectively?

Lexie Botzum

Through a deep dive into the Gemara’s presentation of these fundamental conditions for living in the land, we’ll examine questions of how we relate to land, property ownership, and displacement, and how we can best achieve collective flourishing.

Elijah The Prophet: A Voice of the Opposition

Elijah The Prophet: A Voice of the Opposition

Vered Hollander-Goldfarb

In the center of the book of Kings we find Elijah and his protégé Elisha. As the people are pushed towards state-sponsored polytheism and a worldly approach to monarchy, Elijah takes on the battle as the opposition fighting the evils of this new approach. This class will not overlap with materials from the fall session.