
Tevet 4784 Ayelet

Tevet was a wonderful experience for me. I really enjoyed getting to learn with different people and having a full Beit midrash. It is an experience I would be happy to have again, and I look forward to being a future Tevet...

Tevet 5783 Ezra

The Shabbat was amazing, usually it’s harder to be shomer shabbat as there isn’t much to do after services but the timetable was filled enough that I didn’t even notice the passing of time and the environment was set up to make it very easy to keep Shabbat. The...

Tevet 5784 Aryeh

The Tevet program at the conservative Yeshiva was a truly great experience. I met many wonderful people and got to learn some very interesting texts. I really liked all my classes, and I thought the volunteering experiences were meaningful. Also, even though the...

Tevet 5784 Rabbin

I appreciate the opportunity that was given to me to participate and learn during the Tevet program. It widened my Jewish knowledge and understanding, and as I am on my journey to Rabbinical, sharpened my text interpretation, Hebrew and also access to Jewish...